09 November 2015

Why I Love Blogging And TPT (From The Kindergarten Smorgasboard)

It's Mr. Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard and I am so excited to share why I am thankful for blogging and Teachers Pay Teachers!

When I sat down to write my post, I felt that a video would be more appropriate because reading words just wouldn't convey my feelings about blogging and TPT!   So I hope you'll spend about 10 minutes listening to me pour out my heart!

And to celebrate our 1 year of blogging, we're giving a complete blog design from  Alexis at LEL Design!  Make sure to enter using the Rafflecopter!

1 comment:

  1. Greg, your video was great. It was from the heart and I loved listening to why you love TpT! I hope we get to hang out this winter at the mid-west meetup!
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
