08 November 2015

Why I Love TpT and Blogging {with The Kindergarten Connection}

Teachers Pay Teachers and blogging have played a major role in my life over the past year. 

I never imagined that my decision to take the leap and "give them a try" last year would lead me to where I am now! 

The decision to blog came about because I simply love talking about teaching and sharing teaching ideas. I would always read blogs and talk with teachers, so I thought "maybe I can take this to an online platform too!" So I took the risk and dove in. I am so glad I did

My blog has evolved quite a bit in the past year, and I am constantly learning new things. I love every minute of the journey! It allows me to connect with teachers from all over, share ideas, and learn from others! 

The decision to create and offer resources on TpT came about around the same time as blogging. They seemed to go hand in hand for me. I love creating things and I love finding things that work well in the classroom. 

TpT has been an amazing creative outlet for me, as well as a place for me to find awesome resources for my students (I buy a ton on there too!) I think it is a fantastic place for teachers because we all bring such different styles and expertise. I am definitely both a seller and a buyer on TpT! 

In addition to helping me chip away at graduate school loans, TpT has opened up so many wonderful doors for me. It has allowed me to make so many online friends, and then meet them in real life too! 

I had an AMAZING time meeting my online friends in real life this summer at the TpT conference!

I got to spend time with my online friends and also meet new ones! It was great to meet people that I had only talked to via email or FB, or that I seemed to "know" from Instagram. Meeting them face to face was great!

As I begin another year on TpT and another year with my blog, I look forward to learning even more and meeting even more friends! I am also thankful that I am strengthening current friendships and that I have a support system in my fabulous bloggy and TpT buddies! 

The Elementary Entourage has been goings strong for an entire year! While I haven't been part of this group that long yet, I can say that I already feel like part of the EE family and I LOVE this group! I am so happy to be part of it!

We are celebrating out blogiversary by giving away a complete blog design from Laugh Eat Learn Designs! You don't want to miss out on this! Be sure you enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I also love TpT and am so glad that our paths crossed through this wonderful world of social media and teacher creativity! Nice post friend!!!!!
    Kindergarten Planet

  2. Alex! You are so cute! And that picture of you and me is my favorite one from the conference! I am so glad we finally got to meet and I hope we see each other this summer in Florida! <3 you girl!
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
