07 November 2015

Why I LOVE TpT & Blogging [Dianna from Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching]

Hey Friends ~ It's Dianna here with you today from Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching!

See, TpT makes ME HAPPY!!!

I was so excited that day to learn with some of my closest cyber buddies! I've often thought as I go through life lately the reasons why I LOVE TpT, but I have never written them down. So here we go!

Number One:
The people I have met! I cannot tell you how many amazing people have fallen in my path because of TpT. I have met some of the nicest people ever! In a little more than two years, I have only had the chance to meet my cyber friends once and that was at the summer TpT Conference. They were even better in person! It was so amazing to meet the faces behind the computer screen.

Number Two:
It has become a "tool" for me to share what I do everyday with others. Especially over the past two months as I begin to share my life as a Literacy Coach. TpT and my job have helped me grow into my work by basically working together hand in hand. Leaving the TpT conference [& motivation from my roomie at work] I was inspired to finally start sharing my work in my current position!

[Click on the photo to check it out!]

Number Three:
Let's be honest here, the financial help. When we moved to North Carolina I took a HUGE take home after taxes pay cut. With a toddler, daycare, rental properties, our own rent, car payments, etc... I could not make ends meet let alone comfortably in the life we had previously before coming to North Carolina. It has helped me create a better life for my child. But, not only financially, but as a mother who teaches her daughter at home. Just because we are teachers with low salaries, doesn't mean we can't find others ways to let our family enjoy everything they want! TpT has helped me raise my daughter through education at home and activities she enjoys!

To wrap it up, over the past 2 years with TpT, lets just say... I couldn't imagine my life without it or it ever not being a part of my life now and my future!

So if you haven't heard... We are celebrating our 1 Year Blogiversary!!! Woop Woop! Check out the details below, enter to win and share with your friends!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. It was so great meeting this summer! Hopefully we can see each other in Florida this year! :)
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
