04 January 2016

How to Create an Easy Restroom Sign Out

Happy New Year y'all!  Today is my first day back and I'm actually really excited to start this new semester.  I love having a fresh start and I have so much planned for my class!  I can't wait to get started!  Today is a staff development day for me and then Tuesday will be when my sweet kiddos return.  I do know that when they return, I'll definitely have to review some of our procedures and revamp some procedures. 

One procedure that I plan on reviewing is our restroom sign out procedure.  I know everyone has a few students that want to use the restroom like fifty times a day!  Unfortunately, I don't have a restroom in my room...I know BOO!!  To keep track of who goes when, I have a restroom sign out clipboard right next to our classroom door.

I have two columns, one for the morning and one for the afternoon, and the kids sign out before they leave the room.  The kids don't have to sign out if we are at lunch or recess, so the morning and afternoon sign out only applies to when we are in the classroom.  It is so easy to monitor who is out of the class and the clothes pins are the perfect pass for our class.  I just labeled them with a sharpie marker.  The front says, "boys" or "girls" and the back has my last name and grade level.

The kids clip the clothes pin to their shirt, so they never touch it when they are in the restroom.  I've had to replace a few clips after awhile but clothes pins are pretty easy to replace.  This new year, I'm revamping the procedure by having a new sign out sheet.  It can also be laminated and used over and over again.

You can grab a FREE copy here if you'd like to use it with your class.

I hope that you'll try out this restroom procedure in your classroom.  I would love to hear how it works for you!

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