03 January 2016

How to master it in the New Year

Happy New Year friends! I don't necessarily have a new classroom procedure, but it is new to my class this year. Every January, my kids are CRAZY sauce. It's like they forget every single thing we've ever talked about.

How does that happen in two weeks? Well, a few years ago I started what I call The Master Class. I tell them that over Christmas Santa left me a note and there is now a competition. You don't have to use the Santa idea, but it works for my kinders. I tell them that the note says that every kindergarten class is having to compete for the Master Class. Who can master their name? Who can master their sight words?

Then, I show them the area in the room where I've added all of the cards. I already have their pictures cut out and ready to add a few of them. I make sure that everyone has their name in at least ONE place when I first add it. You know that child that just REALLY struggles at everything? Well, I usually add them to Clean Machine because they're usually that child that won't do any work or listen, but cleans like I'm paying them.

After, we talk about how we can work on each area. Every few days, I highlight just one part until I've covered all of them. My job is done after this. They start asking to be tested to show me that they know all their sight words or sounds or writing sentences.

SERIOUSLY! They eat it UP! I'm so excited to do this with my class this year because we have had a rough go so far. Maybe this can help some of you out. If you have any ideas of other things I can add, just send me an email at brownk1125@gmail.com. I don't get notifications of comments on here so I can't promise that I'll see it immediately.

Grabs yours free here!


  1. What a great idea! This is up there with timing kids to get them to do anything, or playing "Magic scrap" to get the room clean in .5 seconds. Brilliant!

  2. I love this idea! I can only imagine how this helps them get back on track after the holidays!


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