23 May 2016

Packin' Up! Tips from Peppy Zesty Teacherista

Hey, Friends!

It's Amber from {Peppy Zesty Teacherista}. I am in the single digits when it comes to remaining school days left---eeeeeekk! Here is the thing, I am not excited that my kids are leaving to another grade level and all that jazz. I am excited for the change to eat food that doesn't have to be heated up, work out 5 days a week in the morning (I do Camp Gladiator and if you ever wanted more information about this life changing experience email me!), and the chance to go to the bathroom and not feel guilty.

It is not the teaching aspect that I am counting down to, but the freedom. Can ya feel me? ;)

Here are some of my tips!

I am advocating to halt teaching and start cleaning? Sort of #RealTeacherTalk

Utilize those small pockets of time with cleaning. I make a list of every closet and drawers in my room and when the kids are working on a project, I tackle a cabinet.

I throw stacks of junk everywhere during the year and this gives me a change to purge and reorganize. 

Those pencil boxes can get really dirty and I want to capitalize on child labor while I can (#RealTeacherTalk) --sorry I don't sugar coat my life hahaha ;) 

I give the kids a gallon gab with a zipper (because the self snap is just asking for trouble). 
The kids put everything in their pencil boxes in the gallon baggie. 

This gives us time to disinfect the boxes and make them pretty again. 

Get the editable labels {HERE}

Cleaning out the filing cabinet? 
That's not an issue for me because I don't have one!


{CLICK HERE} to read all about how I store all my files digitally :) 

I like to reflect on what worked this year and what was okay and needed improvements. 
I created these checklists to help keep my thoughts in order. 

To get these checklists {CLICK HERE}

I hope these tips were useful for you! 

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