22 May 2016

Packin' Up! Prepping your Student Information Binder with The Friendly Teacher + FREEBIES & A GIVEAWAY

I have one more week, my friends. I am nearing the finish line and I can smell the late nights, sleeping in, frequent bathroom breaks, and lots of uninterrupted Netflix time!

But, before I head out for the summer there are a few things I like to prep for the next year. I like to do the simple things that stay the same year to year. One of my favorite things to do at the end of the year is get all my organization binders ready for the next year. I put my lesson planner together, my daily five binder, my math stations binder, and most importantly my student information binder.

I am here today to share with you my 100% free student information binder. Do you ever have an IEP meeting and you are scrambling for data??!? Or that one parent who calls you out on every single thing and you just can't remember exactly what you said?! That is where this binder comes in handy! I put all of the data for my students in one binder. Their parent communication, intervention data, checklists, and so on! I just put mine together for the next school year and would love to share with you all of its loveliness (soon it will lose all its beauty when I put my not so teacher like handwriting all over it)

First, I have to put a cute cover on it because DUH! :) Grab this cover in a bunch of different colors here for FREE! :)

Then, I separate my binder into sections for each student. I choose to use construction paper to separate the sections. I choose this because then I can write little notes about the students on the dividers or things I need to remember! It makes for a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone! ;)

My first sheet is their reading and writing checklist. I conference with my kids in both reading and writing once a quarter. I keep all the notes from this conference on this little sheet! It is all in the same binder so it is simple when it comes to these conferences!
Grab this sheet for FREE here!

Then, I like to keep their intervention data sheets. I keep one for each kid so I can mark down anytime I work with them one on one. Yes, you may not need to mark everyone down, but if you ever run into a situation where you do need this data you are always prepared! So, I call a kid up work with them on a skill and jot it in their binder. LIFE SAVER when it comes to IAT meetings! I got these sheets from the AMAZING JD's Rockin' Readers for free!! Pick them up here!

The last thing I shove in this binder is a parent communication form. I use this form to track any incidents where I talk to the parents or the principal. This keeps me organized and I never run into a situation where I can't remember what I said or did! WOHOO! Grab this sheet here for FREE! Or click the picture and it will take you right to it!
As the year goes on, I may print emails and put them in the binder, put test scores, or important papers! I like to add a sheet protector for each kid to shove these things in, so I don't have to hole punch anymore! :) I just love that I have all the documentation in one place for each student! By preparing these before I leave for summer I am 100% more likely to use it!!! Prepare now so next year you are an organized teacher superhero! Happy summer, friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love this idea! Thanks! I was curious, what size binder do you use?

    1. I use a 1 1/2" ! This year I only used a 1" but by the end of the year I needed a bigger binder! :)
