Everyone loves a good deal, especially teachers! We often spend so much money on our classrooms that when we can find
good deals and freebies it is exciting!
For my very first post with The Elementary Entourage, I am sharing with you a few of my favorite thrifty finds!
I have learned that the dollar store can really be a teacher's best friend! There are so many ways to turn their goodies into fun learning games!
I purchased these cutout sets that pair together - I knew I could turn them into matching games!
I teach Kindergarten, so my matching games may look different than yours, but with these sets, you could create words, math equations, and more!
For the peanut butter and jelly cutouts I created a letter match for upper and lowercase letters.
The lock and key I used to create math equations! The lock has the equation, and the key has the answer! You could even mark the answer on the back of the lock and have them be
self-correcting if you wish!
I also found bags of foam cubes at the dollar store. They were called counting cubes, but I saw quiet dice! They are just about the right size, so out came my Sharpie and I got to work! They are great for math games and don't make a ton of racket!
The dollar store often has a lot of flashcards. I like to purchase them and not necessarily use them as flashcards, but in bins for games and such. For example, a bin with addition cards and counters could be used for my students to practice using manipulatives to solve equations in a hands on way!
This last thrifty find is actually my favorite - and it is simply recycling!
Crayon cups are my absolute favorite way to repurpose and recycle in the classroom. In my classroom we use playdough quite often. Sometimes I make it, but often the parents send it in the cups.
I discovered that a little playdough cup holds a pack of crayons perfectly! So now when my kids need crayons, they just grab and go!
Don't use playdough? Recycle frosting cups or yogurt containers - they get the job done too!
What are your favorite thrifty finds? We teachers are always on the lookout for more, so let us know!
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