Hello friends! I’m going to share about how I track reading
data, but I want to take a moment to introduce myself. I’m Carol from The SuperSparkly Teacher! I’m one of the newest collaborators and am thrilled that I’ve
been welcomed into the Elementary Entourage family. This is my sixth year
teaching. My first four years were spent in second grade and I sometimes miss
it. Although I do love all the crafts my firsties get to do.
I enjoy traveling with my husband. So far, we've done a lot of touristy things in many big cities across the country. I'm looking forward to foreign exploration in the future.
So, I don’t usually get excited about tracking data. But I
do get excited when it comes to reviewing student progress and growth. In first
grade, there is definitely a lot of growth when it comes to reading. Here are
some of the ways I monitor my students’ progress.
When it comes to report cards, I am expected to share what
students are able to do and what they’re still working on. A few years ago, I started
recording anecdotal notes on index cards. It is so helpful! I put the things they are doing well at the top (with a plus), and things we need to work on at the bottom (with a minus).
I group the cards by reading groups/levels. I can move the cards around if a student moves to a different group. The cards don’t take up a ton of space on my cluttered table
either. I tried using a form (that was much more formal), but I was so
distracted because it meant there was one more thing on my table. #easilydistracted
Click HERE to see it on TpT |
Have you come across this Basic Data Folder on TpT? It’s a
freebie that was created by Christina Brainbridge. It has so many charts! I
have students chart their reading level every month. It’s fun to see their
growth especially as time passes.
I keep all of my Reading Data in a binder with Avery
dividers. Each student has a spot for his or her current running record, reading
level graph and sight word graph. It’s handy enough that when I have an extra
helper, they are able to update any of the information with the student.
Would you like to snag the chalkboard binder cover for
yourself? Click {HERE} to download it for free. #freebiealert
Well friends, thanks for sticking around! I can't wait to come back and share again next month.
Have a super sparkly day!