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Teaching Then & Now with The Learning Chambers

Hi friends!  I love being reflective about my teaching.  I have been teaching for eleven years and each year is a new journey for me.  I have learned to work smarter not harder and so many things have changed about my teaching.  Today I wanted to share my passion with you guys and hopefully inspire you to incorporate it into your classroom.

My passion is definitely 21st-century learning and providing our students with the inspiration and opportunities to explore and create through learning.  I have had so many magic moments in my classroom this year and I can't wait to share them with you guys.

Today I wanted to share how you can help your students create digital animated stories using Scratch.

So your first question is probably ... WHAT IS SCRATCH?  Scratch is a block style coding program that will allow your students to create their own interactive stories and games.  There is a free online version of Scratch and also a free version that you can download onto your computer.  You can find both versions HERE.

I honestly did not know much about Scratch until a few years ago.  I just dove into it and learned all that I know from trying different things and watching a ton of tutorial videos.  But trust me friends ... your kids will pick it up quickly and they will be motivated and inspired to create new stories.

Still unsure ... don't worry ... I've got you covered!  I created a short video tutorial that you can show your students.  The video will teach them how to create a short animated story in Scratch.  They can watch it and re-watch it until they feel comfortable or you can watch it and then teach them.  I have more tutorial videos coming soon.

Did you use Scratch in your classroom?  Let me know about it by leaving a comment below!  Happy Scratching friends!

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