This is Kelsey from
Aloha to Second! I am back to celebrate our collaborative blog's 6 month anniversary!! Wow! I can't believe we've been blogging for 6 months. I love this group so much, and I hope you enjoy reading our posts.
This round of posts is so much fun because we are sharing our favorite authors. I have SO many that this was hard for me to choose. However, I decided to go with Eric Carle. I just love his illustrations and stories. My kids always find him to be a favorite.
Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of my absolute favorites. I love reading this book and focusing on the life cycle of a butterfly. I read this book when we have caterpillars in our classroom and we watch the caterpillars go through the whole life cycle. It is so neat and definitely worth your money! You can buy a cup of caterpillars from
You can check out our cup of caterpillars here! You can see that they have already formed their chrysalis. It is so neat! We were able to watch them make their cocoon and everything!
Then, once they were in a cocoon, we placed them in a net basket and hung them from the top so when the butterfly came out it could fly around.
The butterflies finally came out and we set them free outside. It was so fascinating to watch the butterfly hatch and then fly away!
We of course had to do some activities to help us learn about the life cycle (and this is all because of Eric Carle's book! It is so much fun to read and teach about this concept!)
We first retold the story by making our own caterpillar. You can see that it was very easy to make a caterpillar. We just used round circles and each circle told a different part.
Then, we made a life cycle using pasta and food because who doesn't love food?
Last, we made a book that looked like a leaf and different parts of the life cycle of a caterpillar. This helped us remember the order of a life cycle of a butterfly and what they go through. Their creation is very fascinating!
I hope I was able to give you some fun ideas about Eric Carle! Now, we have a treat for YOU! Our amazing followers deserve a chance to win our 6 month anniversary giveaway. We are choosing two winners to receive a fun pencil sign that has his/her name on it. This would be perfect for your classroom door! Please complete the rafflecopter below for a chance to win!