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Classroom Tips for Going Green - Make Your Own Rain Gauge {with the McGrew Crew}

We recently took a trip to the zoo. It was home school day so there were a few extra activity stations set up around for kids to participate in. One of them was a craft station, where students used an empty water bottle to make their own rain gauge. 

The boys and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted share it as a fun and educational way to re-purpose a water bottle! 

 empty water bottle
2 craft sticks
rain gauge ruler
clear packing tape
nature stickers (optional)
 1. Remove the bottle cap and cut off the top part right below where
it begins to taper. Adult supervision/help is recommended.
 2. Turn the top part upside down and put it (spout first) into the bottom part. Use clear packing tape to secure the 2 parts.
 3. Tape craft sticks to each side of the bottle to provide an anchor to hold the gauge in place in the ground.
 4. Use a large piece of clear packing tape to adhere the ruler to the
        bottle. Make sure to place it where it can be seen from the front of the bottle. Cover the whole ruler with tape to make it as water-
        proof as possible. If it's too long you can cut off an inch or two.
 5. OPTIONAL: Add fun nature stickers to your rain gauge, making sure not to cover up the ruler to it can be seen to measure rain.

***Click HERE to get a hard copy of these instructions and a classroom set of printable rulers!

Don't know what to do with all those leftover bottle caps? Don't throw them away! Check out these super fun ideas:

Hyacinth Flower Craft
Bottle Cap Math Facts
Bottle Cap Fishies
Bottle Cap Contractions
Subtraction Slide Math Game

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