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Celebrating America With Mr. Greg!

Howdy!!!  I am so excited to be blogging with the amazing bloggers and teachers here at the Elementary Entourage!  I can't believe they invited me to join this awesome group!!!!!!   My name is Greg Smedley-Warren and my blog is The Kindergarten Smorgasboard!  I teach kindergarten in Nashville, TN and love all things mustache, glitter and fun!!!   I have a husband and two GoldenDoodles (Butters and LuLu).  I have been teaching for 9 years, 6 years in kindergarten, which is my passion and my heart!   

I am super passionate about teaching and it's my goal to make teaching more fun....more hands on and engaging....and MORE MESSY!...And less stressful for everyone (especially teachers)!!!  

I am on a mission to spread the happy news about teaching and all of the amazing things that happen in classrooms everywhere.  I'm also spreading my love of glitter and trying to start a no tables/no desks in the classroom movement!    And now onto the goods!

In our classroom, we celebrated America and the men and women that protect us with a fun read aloud, an art project and a hat, of course!

This is a great book to read because it's kid friendly and explains soldiers and military very well.  They also have Hero Mom!  

After reading, we did a circle map about veterans.  This could easily be done for military and all of the branches of the military!

We made hero hats!  Each of my kiddos colored a sentence strip red and blue (We love America!) and chose a hero to color and put on their hat!

You can get the FREE hero hat template by clicking HERE!

And finally we did a fun art project.   It got a little messy...but our motto is MESSY=SUCCESS!

We made soldiers by following Mr. Greg's direction.  (This year I have moved away from craftivities and patterns and we're doing more authentic art!)

After we made our solider, we swirled green, yellow and brown paint.   It's important to SWIRL LIGHTLY to make camo paint and not a brown goo.

Then we crumpled up a piece of paper and dabbed it in the paint and dabbed the paint onto our solider!

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